Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Close the Eyes, Plug the Ears

I pride myself on knowing as much as I can when it comes to film, movies, cinema, whatever you want to call it. I read movie news sites hourly. I post on movie message boards hourly. I constantly check for newly released trailers for movies and will often watch new trailers four or five times. Having all this knowledge is exciting for me. I love talking about with people. I love dropping facts here and there. What's the price for this over exposure? The price is the potential for losing some of my innocence and awe when I first see a movie. By the time I see almost any movie I've already read multiple in-depth articles on it, the script, the actors, and the director. I've already seen anywhere from five to fifteen minutes of the movie through trailers and video diary things online. Trailers are big on showing you a lot of the most exciting looking stuff from the movie, which makes the trailers a lot of fun to watch to get that initial "WOAH!" just sitting at home. I've been thinking about it, and I miss that first moment of amazement that I used to get in the theater. Which is why, for my one of my most personally anticipated movies "Watchmen," I'm going to try to the best of my abilities to avoid all press on the movie. This means no message boards, no trailers, no articles, no screen shots, or anything else like that. I've already read the comic for which the movie is based, so in that I already have a sense of what the story and themes will be, but I expect the visuals to be pretty mind blowing. I would recommend "Watchmen" to everyone. It's a fantastic comic book, but more than that it's a fantastic book. The movie is being directed by Zack Snyder, the man that brought us "300." "Watchmen" is set for a January '09 release date.

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